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Dicas: Holger Vitus Nodskov Rune +1.5 Set AH (FT

Berrettini, Matteo
Rune, Holger

Indian Wells

  • Casa de aposta
  • -110
  • 4.00 u

Berrettini tends to start his tournaments slow. Since 2021, he has a lost at least a set in 53% of his opening matches. In 2022, he has already played 3 opening matches and didnt win neither of them in straight sets (was favorite in every single of them though). Also, he retired in his last match couple of weeks ago, citing abdominal issues and thats something he had problems with in the past, might not be very serious but if injury recurs in the same spot its pretty worrying. Whats more, there are rumours about him breaking up with his girlfriend just couple of days ago and that might influence his mental sharpness. Slower conditions should help Rune to get into a lot of rallies where he might trouble the big italian in his first match. Rune already with 3 wins in these conditions, lost just one set so he should be heading confident into this one

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